Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dylan's New Hair Cut!

So Dylan crashed in the mountains on his bike. I'm greatful for the holy ghost. I got the feeling to go check on the kids, and Ethan was running toward me telling me Dylan crashed and is bleeding on his head. He rubbed the skin off so there can be no stitches. Thanks to Ruby and Uncle Len they helped me nurse Dylan. Len cut his hair to see what was going on. So soon Dylan will have a buzz! Let's just hope before Disneyland. I tried to give him a bath and it bled again like crazy. So it needs time to heel better before we cut, or wash his hair. I wonder how many injuries we will have with our little Dill Pickle! Three and counting.


sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

your kids are always getting hurt! craziness!

Trecia said...

oh my gosh Tara! Why didn't you call me, my poor Dyl pickle

Sanders said...

Never a dull moment for you Miss Tara, I'm glad it was nothing too serious!

Yvonne said...

Poor guy! Josh says he hopes he doesn't get hurt anymore because he's his best friend!

The Arnolds said...

That looks horrible!!!!! I am glad I was not there, I would have had quite a time looking at my poor little Dill Pickle...he is learning young how to survive!!! I can't wait to love him and hold him...luv ya, MOM

The Musings Of Mothers said...

Poor guy!! Hope he gets better soon!!!

theoskilanecfamily said...

Oh my that is so sad his poor little head! Your kids are so accident prone! You are a tough mom because I would totally pass out like Bella!!! heehee

Halloween OOOOOHHHH!

Kirsten was a dancer. Ethan was a Zombie Football player. Brooklyn was a dead Bride isn't she soooo cute.