Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

It snowed for 8 hours non stop!Wish we could get a school day off. My kids say bring it on. More fun for them.
I however was a nervous wreck driving to work!
Why did we move here again?


Trecia said...

Tara that Noon Years is the funnest thing ever! You are so creative , I love it.

And I can sympathize about the snow and the driving.

I'm jealous that Yvonne visited, I wish i could have been there too with you guys. Next time right?

Yvonne said...

My boys are sad they missed all the snow! But, I'm glad I didn't have to drive in it!

Yes Trecia, next time you're coming. We need to get a bunch of us girls together and visit Tara. Let's start making plans.

LillyBug Jewelry and Accessories said...

i love the picture of brooklyn in the snow. way too cute!

Halloween OOOOOHHHH!

Kirsten was a dancer. Ethan was a Zombie Football player. Brooklyn was a dead Bride isn't she soooo cute.