Thursday, March 12, 2009

Case Solved

So a friend of mine's daughter has fifth disease, or illness I should say, disease sounds so serious. Anyways it looks exactly like Kirsten's did and all of my kids got it but Ethan. Man that boy never gets sick. It is contagious and it has been going around. Weird huh? I hope nothing like that happens while we are gone.


Sanders said...

Dang, glad you solved the mystery!

Sanders said...

So it just goes away? Or is there a treatment?

Christensen Family said...

Just goes away. They are sick before they get the rash weird thing I never knew of a fever, but Dylan has one now. But he already broke out!

Halloween OOOOOHHHH!

Kirsten was a dancer. Ethan was a Zombie Football player. Brooklyn was a dead Bride isn't she soooo cute.